четверг, 30 апреля 2015 г.

                                                Tbilisi   National   Park

    Tbilisi  National  Park  was    established on the  basis   of Saguramo   Strict Nature  Reserve ,  which  was  created in  1957/  The  park  is located at  a  distance  of   25 km  from  Mtskheta and  Tbilisi and   is part of  Green Zone  of the capital city. The  Saguramo  Strict Nature Reserve was  established  with the  purpose of  maintaining the  forest characteristics  of Georgia and protecting the  species  living  in the  forest. Among  them  are  rare species, such as  Caucasian Red deer and  Lynx.  The   area   of  Tbilisi  National  Park  covers 24,328 hectares.

  Tbilisi  National Park belongs  to the moderate humid climate zone. The   winter  is moderate cold  and  the  summer is  long.  The amount of  annual  atmospheric  precipitation  is 523-720 mm. The  annual  air temperature in January  is - 0.5 C  and in August  +24.1 C.  The territory  is geomorphologically  a rugged region  with numerous mountain slopes and gorges. The highest point is  located at  1.385 m  above sea level.

        What  is  Purpose of  a National  Park?

over  the  past  1,500  years, the natural  world has been  impacted  and shaped  by human civilization. In keeping  with   the  motto "Let nature  be nature"  National Parks protect  natural processes over large  areas.  This enables   visitors  to experience how nature  develops  in tge absence  of direct  human impact.


In   the  territory  of  Tbilisi   National  Park the  plants  are  rather  diverse.  675  species of grass and   wood   plants  can be found, among them  104  species are  of threes  and  shrubs. The  dendroflora  of  the  park  is  interesting due to  widespread representatives of  Colchic  flora  of  Tertary  period.  
    The   territory of  Tbilisi National  Park is distinguished with considerable diversity of  representatives of fauna. Here  can  be  found  animals such  as : 

Roe Deer

Beech Marten

Grey Wolf 
Red Fox



     Ornithofauna  of  the place  is  also diverse.  Eurasuan jay,  Blackbird  and  several   species  of Woodpeckers  can often be found  here.   Among  the  bords  of  prey the  most  numerous is Sparrowhawk and  among Georiga's Red List species  the  following  are  represented in the  park :


Imperial Eagle



Great Spotted Eagle

Levant Sparrowhawk

Eurasian Jay

        Twelve  species pf reptiles inhabits the Tbilisi  Natonal Park.  the most  widespread is  European  Legless Lizard.  Grass  snakes are also  numerous. Yellow- bellied  Racer and Smooth Snake are common to be seen in the park. 


Legless Lizard 

Grass Snake
Smooth Snake


            Mountain Biking in Tbilisi National Park

Main Viewpint- Trail nr. 1

  • Lenght: 10 km
  • Surface: only few meters on asphalt, all of road 
  • Difficulty : easy, panoramic, ideal for begginer around River Gdanula

Mamkoda Medium Loop- Trail nr.2

  • Lenght: 38 km
  • Surface: 8 km asphalt, 30 km off road
  • Difficulty: medium- for thoes who are capable of going uphill

Mamkoda Difficlt Loop-  trail nr, 3
  • Lenght : 44 km
  • Surface: all of road
  • Difficulty: difficult- long trail, with tough uphill techincal downhill 

    Additional Regional Sightseeing

  While in  the region, visitors can visit important historical and cultural monumnets:  Mamakoda St. George's Church , Zedazeni  Ghvtaeba Monastery and UNESCO World Heritage Site- Jvari Church(VI century ), St. Anton Martkopeli Church and any more. 

St. Anton Martkopeli  Chuch 

Jvari Church

Mamkoda  St. George's Church 

Zedazeni  Ghvtabea Monastry


   Travel Infromation

Tbilisi National Park is located near  capital of Gergia , Tbilisi  and surrounded by ancient capital  Mtskheta. The Administration buildngs is located in the village Saguramo. 

  • Distance: Tbilisi  to Saguramo- 25 km
  • By car:  20 min
  • By public  transport: Public transportation(1.5 GEL) from Didube Bus Station in Tbilisi leave every day, every hul an hour (30 min)

   Turists  can choose between several  guesthouse and hotels in Mtsketa and Tbilisi 



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